The royal society of sculptors summer exhibition 2024
I have recently heard that my large mixed media sculpture ‘Ark’ has been accepted by the Royal Society of Sculptors Summer Exhibition 2024. I am absolutely delighted that the exhibition selector and curator, David McAlmont, chose my piece to join the work of other members of the Society for this prestigious exhibition.
It will be on display at the beautiful headquarters at Dora House, 108 Old Brompton Road, London, SW7 3RA.
The private view/opening is on Saturday 20 July, 11 – 2, and the exhibition remains open until Saturday 21 September. Please do check their website for opening times should you be interested in visiting.

sadie brockbank
Sadie’s Spring exhibitions include taking part in Rachel Bebb Contemporary’s annual Spring and Summer show, ‘Our Ocean’. See below for full information.
Sadie is also taking part in the Open Studios scheme in West Berkshire and North Hampshire. She will be showing some new textile work and many new ceramic sculptures. Scroll down for more details.
She will be opening her studio over the weekend of the 18th and 19th May as well as participating in the flagship exhibition at the Base, ‘Insight’.
Sadie will also be taking part in the satellite exhibition, ‘Redefining Realities’ at Arlington Art Centre, Mary Hare, Snelsmore Common, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 3BQ.
For more information about this group exhibition see: https://arlington-arts.com/redefining-realities/

‘Our Ocean’
rachel Bebb Contemporary
Sadie Brockbank will be participating in Rachel Bebb Contemporary’s Spring Exhibition 2023, from 11 May until 8 June, after which the gallery continues to be open by arrangement.
This exhibition will show work by artists interpreting their thoughts about the beauty of our oceans, whilst addressing the threat posed to them by human activity and encouraging people to value, protect and nurture it.
There will also be a special ticketed event on the evening of Saturday 8 June, World Ocean Day, with a talk from glassmakers Roberta Mason and Neil Wilkin and food prepared by chef Dominique Goltinger.
At the Private View on 11 May, glass mosaic sculptor, Rebecca Newnham FRSS, and letter carver, Maya Martin, will demonstrate their skills, highlighting environmental themes.
Fridays 11 – 4 & Saturdays 11 – 4, or by arrangement, until 8 June, after which by arrangement.
Rachel Bebb Contemporary, The Paddock, Rookery Lane, Broughton, Hampshire, SO20 8AZ, +44 (0) 1794 301144, for more information.

open studios, May 2024
3 artists at Mortimer Hill will be opening their doors to visitors this May. We open from 11am to 5 pm Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 May.
Alongside Sadie’s sculpture, textiles, collage and prints you can see paintings by Jonathan Newey, and Linocuts and mixed media art from Annie Welch.
We can be found at the Artists Studios at Mortimer Hill Estate, The Street, Mortimer, near Reading, RG7 3PW. Access to the site is via Strawberry Fields.
If you are unable to make the event appointments to meet with Sadie and see her work are available by arrangement all year round. Please contact her via the contact email on this website.